Friday, November 6, 2009

Tamarack II

Once again I am trying to catch up on my post. I visited the Tamarack II back in September. Once again I was going of an article that listed some burger places north of Madison WI. (see last post) Well this time I have my Brother with me. He has done a couple Burger Runs with me. The Tamarack II (I guess the original is in Portage WI.) is in Morrisonville WI. Frogtown U.S.A is it's nickname.

Going off the article we were there to try the Jumbo Burger with bacon and cheese. I order mine with Swiss, my Brother goes with American. The Tamarack grinds it meat daily and this burger will be a 6 ounce patty. The patty will be grill pressed and once done topped with cheese and a healthy amount of bacon. My Brother and I liked the burger a lot. It had a real peppery taste to it. I have come across places that use a lot of pepper in it's patty. The Post #67 in Lake Mills and Wedl's come to mind. They should be similar they get it from the same place! The burger at the Tamarack must be good. I met some guys there that eat at my place!! I called them traitors!! Next time they came into eat at my place they asked what a traitor like me is doing at the Tamarack II !!!

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